Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Welcome, 2014.

This is a blog just for me. A place where I can unleash a flurry of thoughts, ideas, plans, comments, photos, lists, or whatever I need to get out. It will probably be more random than you'd like. It'll probably be more random than I'd like it to be, but we'll see.

For the first post, I'm putting down in words what some of my plans/resolutions are for 2014. I'm never great at tracking what I want to do, but maybe this here blog will hold me more accountable? Again, we'll see.

1. Get a "real" haircut every two months or so:
 I've got a really bad habit of not getting haircuts. I have a major tendency to just let it grow and grow. Then one day, I'll decide I need it cut, and I'll just go chop it off to my shoulders and start over. A couple months ago, my MIL bought me a gift certificate to her new hair stylist. I've vowed to continue meeting with her every couple of months, even though it's an arm and a leg more than my traditional visit to Great Clips.

2. Buy "nice" makeup and an "investment" purse.
I have always bought makeup at the drugstore. Now that I'm in my 30s and my hormones are still outta whack from baby/birth control, I've decided I should maybe invest in some quality makeup. I haven't done much research on this yet, but I'm open to any suggestions!
Similarly, I have never owned a "nice" purse. I usually buy them on sale from Target or some other store online. Nothing wrong with them, but I never have loved one. I find I'll use one for a long time because it does the job, but I'm just not sold on it. I'd love to find a purse (I'm looking at you Kate Spade and Michael Kors) that I can use for every day stuff, travel, and also maybe hold a diaper and wipes or something else for my little man.
Current lusts are:
3. Lose 15 pounds.
I had a baby in 2013. I guess I need to lose this baby weight?

4. Visit a new city and state.
Growing up, my family didn't travel. My husband's family ALWAYS travels. I've now caught the travel bug. It's awesome. A month after I come back from any vacation, I'm ready to plan the next one. Like seriously, I make packing lists for at least a month before I'm actually set to leave. It's bad. This year, I'd love to pick a new city AND a new state (can be the same trip) to visit. See new sights, do new things, etc. I'm open to suggestions!

5. Can be combined with #4: Take another road trip.
Last fall, my husband and I took our then 7 month old baby from Indiana to Panama City Beach, Florida. It was awesome. We stopped once on the way down (overnight), but we actually made the whole trip in one shot on the way back. That probably won't happen again, but I love being a passenger. I've perfected the art of out-the-window photography, so I use my skills a lot on the road. Something about just driving somewhere is so great. 

6. Pay off at least two credit cards.
Now many of you may be like, "She uses two cards??" Yes. I have used a lot. And I'm smarter now, I hope. But paying for your own way through a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree, you make stupid money mistakes. Or at least I did.

7. Donate 10 bags to Goodwill or other charity.
Again, you're thinking, "She has enough stuff she CAN donate that much?" Yes, I do. Between clothes that don't/won't fit anymore, old household goods, and stuff from my husband and baby, we can definitely do this over the year. 

8. Buy a new car or start researching for a new(er) car in 2015. 
I drive a 2004 Dodge Stratus with just over 100,000 miles. My husband's car? A 2001 Toyota Corolla with a few thousand miles LESS than mine. Neither is big enough for two adults, a car seat and baby, baby stuff, and our two 11 pound dogs. We need to make the switch.
9. Try three new Bloomington restaurants.
We are lucky to have so many exotic cuisine options in our town. Yet we rarely venture out to new places. My goal this year is to try at least three of the places we've never been to. One I'd love to try? Malibu Grill!

10. Go to a show/play/musical/concert/etc of MY choosing.
My husband is a devoted phan of certain bands - meaning he goes to see them in any city he can. I have a couple of bands I really like, but I tend to be more passive when it comes to deciding to go somewhere or see something. This year I'd love to speak up and go to more concerts, or to a play, or to whatever seems interesting! 

So there you have it. Seems like a lot, but am I asking too much? Probably...

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