Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What's on your wish list?

I'm a HUGE fan of the Amazon wish list. I love adding things from their website, but I also love being able to add things from OTHER websites with their "Add to Wish List" browser add-on! Currently (who am I kidding, it's always like this), my wish list is a crazy amalgam of tidbits from everywhere. It's overly stocked with Kate Spade purses, Kindle books, and random gadgets.

Here are a few highlights:

I'd love a new Digital SLR. I love my Rebel, but it's getting old... I'd love to upgrade to one that does video (though I've been against this forever) because it would be so nice to just take one camera around on vacations.

This pre-order for the 4th Trimester Bodies Project book by an old friend. Her project is amazing, and I feel like she's doing wonders to help women love their bodies after childbirth! Go check it out, people!
These shoes. I have a pair of grey ones with black pinstripes that I wore almost every day during my pregnancy. I blew out the side of them, and they may or may not smell like Oscar the Grouch's house, but I love them. I LOVE the slip on Chuck Taylor's because who wants to tie shoes anyways? (Men's size 7, if you're wondering). 

Because why wouldn't I want these candy striped IU sunglasses?
 This is just adorable.

And finally, to further along my obsession with all things dachshunds: 
Note: I didn't link to any of the millions of purses or books on here because well, books aren't that exciting to look at, and I've already talked enough about purses!

So what's on your wish list?

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